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Our short leadership sprints happen over 3 weeks and are targeted for school and district leaders to strategize and plan for a better than normal, deeper learning-focused transformation effort. Deliverables include a deeper learning leadership document focused on implementation strategies and specific steps to make progress toward deeper learning for students.


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Sprint Activity Workbook

Deeper Learning Opportunities

For: School/District leaders including superintendents and chief academic officers, principals, assistant principals, academic deans, admin deans, and/or instructional coaches

Cost: Contact us for details.

Space: Each sprint is limited to 30 participants

Meetings: 3 bi-weekly synchronous meetings, 6 hours total

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Each participant works to complete a Deeper Learning Leadership Strategy Workbook which asks them to consider multiple in-depth aspects of the leadership needed for implementing deeper learning transitions.

The Sprints are based the research on Deeper Learning Leadership provided in the book, Leadership for Deeper Learning: Facilitating School Innovation and Transformation.

 Leadership for Deeper Learning book